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Latest News
November 8
Placing African Business on the Map ajse Creative Solutions, introduce the African Business Directory. brings a professional environment for companies and entrepeneurs to announce their products and services, with or without a current online presence.
October 5
An iPad App to Rediscover the Focus on What Makes a Project Manager Succeed. Delivering a project on time is not the only thing that makes a project manager successful. Project management is a mix of budgeting, planning, scheduling and tracking of various tasks allocated to a number of resources. To make life of a project manager easier & to provide the flexibility of managing onshore & offshore resourced projects, ajsle Creative Solutions BV has launched Milstone PM, an iPad app for project management.
Now available in the
October 1
Milestone PM Ready for Launch!. ajsle Creative Solutions are preparing to launch Milestone PM. Milestone PM include the standard project manager tools of scheduling, allocation, tracking and reporting of projects. In addition to the standard tools, MilestonePM has a focus on allocation of team as unit, travel budget, risk report change control and a single page dashboard for a quick reference on budget, current status and actual numbers. A complete status report ready for distribution and presentation, adds the finishing touch to the tools available for the modern project manager.
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
---- Steve Jobs